
Friday, May 29, 2009

I am really loving Amy Butler fabrics right now ( They are graphic and vibrant and I would use them in a second in my house. The problem is choosing which one! Just browsing through the fabric options on her website provokes my creativity. What is also great is the fact that there are plenty of stores that carry the fabric!

Here are some of my current favourites:

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Antique Show Success

Yesterday my friend Frankie and I went to the Christie Antique Show. Before now, this show had not really been on my radar, but apparently I was the only one. Frankie and I were only there for a few hours, but the scores of people there when we arrived at 9 am and the traffic jams we witnessed as scads more were arriving as we left leave me to believe that this was the place to be.

While I wanted to bear witness to this great gathering of antique dealers and buyers, I was also hoping to find a small china or curio cabinet for my house. I felt a bit of sensory overload as we began walking up and down the aisles of the marketplace, and even more frustration as I soon realized that no one was planning on giving anything away (translation: the prices we saw were far beyond my budget). But suddenly, there it was: the diamond in the rough we were looking for. It even had the glass front and bottom drawer I had envisioned. When we looked at the price tag, Frankie asked me “do you think it is missing a zero?” I bought it for a song: literally, if it had been any cheaper, I would have asked to sing some sort of tune instead of exchanging monetary funds.

My plan is to paint it out the same colour as our trim and moldings, which incidentally are the same colour that I plan to paint our kitchen cupboards. I am also hoping to be able to wallpaper the back wall of the cabinet. I will post the pictures of the finished product when I get it done.

As a side note, Frankie and I saw Sarah Richardson and Tommy at the Antique Show, filming for some upcoming show. I had a funny feeling we would spot them or some other HGTV personality there. I desperately wished in that moment that I had some connection with them other than “hey, remember that episode when…?” Just to chat with them about design or some random current event even. They seemed like fun people.

Here is the cabinet I bought... Looks like this guy was interested in it as well. Sorry!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Where I'm headed...

As I contemplate the intent of this blog, I am excited to share with you all the things that I love. I could walk through fabric stores for hours, dreaming up potential couture dresses and reupholstered genius. I constantly sketch out renovation possibilities for our new condo (to the irritation of my husband), combing over home magazines for inspiration. HGTV has worked hard to convince me that I can DIY, although I'm still somewhat skeptical about that.

I think that this can be a place to showcase my ideas and the people and places that inspire me, share my journey of renovations, decor, and fashion, and maybe even inspire someone else! Stay tuned... I am literally bursting at the seams to share the pretty things that I love!